All-Natural Facial Filler

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Bio-Filler. All-natural facial fillers for aesthetic rejuvenation.

PRF & PRP All-Natural Rejuvenation in Aesthetics

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is the latest and greatest in aesthetic rejuvenation.

Remember when cosmetic treatments were hush-hush?

Who Can Get Botox? Frequent Ask Questions About Neurotoxins

Unlocking Radiant Skin: 5 Compelling Reasons to Choose Microneedling with PRF

Looking for youthful, radiant skin? One of our signature treatments microneedling with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF). This dynamic duo harnesses the power of microneedling's controlled skin injury and the regenerative properties of PRF to rejuvenate and revitalize your complexion. Check out our compelling reasons why microneedling with PRF should be on your radar for achieving your skincare goals.

What’s So Great About Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy?

Summer is coming to an end which means it’s light and laser therapy season! One treatment in particular is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, a non-invasive procedure that has gained immense popularity for its ability to address a wide array of skin concerns.

What’s the deal with all the retinols?

A retinol breakdown.

Younger, Youthful Skin with BIO-CARE®

Bio-CARE® is CARE Esthetic’s signature full-face treatment protocol that involves both laser and platelet rich fibrin (PRF) therapies. Each step is individualized based off of your individual aesthetic needs and goals. This process includes SmoothLase, SmoothEye and/or LipLase laser therapies to produce collagen within the mouth, lips and eyes.

The Hairy Truth: What Causes Hair Loss

Are you noticing a receding hairline or wondering why your once-luscious locks aren't as thick as they used to be? We're here to explore the hairy truth about what causes hair loss or hair thinning and how CARE can help!

The Krewe To-Do

Carnival Checklist. Have FUN. Check.

Welcome to 2023!

I am excited to start this next chapter with YOU!

Don’t Let Weight Weigh Down the FUN!

The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means—amazing food, family gatherings, and lots of celebration. But if you focused any this year on your health and wellness, you might be wondering how to enjoy the festivities without undoing all your hard work.

Medical Spa vs Day Spa

Similarities and differences between Medical Spas and Day Spas. Which is right for you?

National Smoothie Day June 21

National Smoothie Day June 21 - Berry Good Smoothie Recipe by CARE Esthetics New Orleans

The best way to approach Weight Management

Let’s face it, weight management can be overwhelming.

Walk It Off: A simple strategy clinically proven to promote longevity

In our quest to live life to the fullest, we often seek out complex diets and intense workout routines, overlooking one of the simplest and most accessible anti-aging activity – walking.

What’s the deal with IV Hydration?

Feeling chronically fatigued? Needing an energy boost? Is your pee too dark for your liking?