PRF Bio-Filler®

What is PRF Bio-Filler®?

All-natural, cutting edge technology! Using patented Bio-Heat technology, we produce natural facial fillers by heating blood plasma to extend the life and working properties of PRF by several months. We inject these fillers into the areas that need treatment.

PRF Bio-Filler® is a natural and non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) derived from a patient's own blood to volumize and rejuvenate the skin. This treatment can effectively address volume loss, wrinkles, and overall skin health.

How many treatments should I expect for optimal results?

The Recommended Treatments are 3-Treatments, 4 weeks apart. Follow up every 6 months.
(*Treatments may vary based on individuals desire outcome.)

How long does the PRF Bio-Filler® process take?

Plan for a 60 minute visit for full face assessment.

Why would someone consider PRF Bio-Filler®?

PRF Bio-Filler® is needed for several reasons:

  • Natural Volumization: It provides a natural approach to adding volume to the face and improving facial contours.
  • Wrinkle Reduction: PRF Bio-Filler® can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a more youthful look.
  • Non-Surgical: This treatment offers a non-invasive alternative to surgical cosmetic procedures.
  • Minimal Downtime: Downtime is typically minimal, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities quickly.
  • Customized Approach: The treatment can be tailored to address specific areas of concern.

What should I expect for downtime following my treatment?

Minimal downtime, makeup can be applied 1-2 days after treatment. May see micro lesions or bruising a few days after treatment and slight redness.

What is the cost of PRF Bio-Filler®?

The cost varies based on type of product, quantity of product used and expertise of practitioner administering the treatment. Contact us to receive a personalized quote and updates on VIP specials and offers.

Who would be a candidate for PRF Bio-Filler®?

Candidates for PRF Bio-Filler® generally include those who:

  • Desire Natural Volumization: If you're looking for a natural approach to adding volume and improving facial contours, you're a suitable candidate.
  • Seek Wrinkle Reduction: Individuals interested in minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles often choose this treatment.
  • Prefer Non-Surgical Procedures: PRF Bio-Filler® is non-invasive, making it ideal for those who want to avoid surgery.
  • Value Minimal Downtime: Post-treatment recovery is typically brief, allowing for a quick return to daily activities.
  • Want a Customized Approach: This treatment can be tailored to address specific areas of concern.

What happens during a PRF Bio-Filler® procedure?

The procedures for PRF Bio-Filler® involve the following steps:

  • Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation to assess your specific concerns and goals. A customized treatment plan is created.
  • Blood Draw: A small sample of your blood is collected.
  • Processing: The blood is processed to extract the platelet-rich fibrin (PRF).
  • Injection: The PRF is carefully injected into the target areas to improve volume and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Results: Improvement can be gradual, with multiple sessions often recommended for optimal outcomes. Downtime is typically minimal.

PRF Bio-Filler® offers a natural and non-invasive solution for adding volume to the face, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing overall skin health, resulting in a more youthful appearance.


Bio-CARE is a five-step process that’s all-natural and chemical-free. Every CARE patient will receive a personalized treatment plan according to their concerns. Here is a detailed overview of our Bio-CARE Treatment process:



The first step is an innovative laser therapy to stimulate collagen regeneration in the mouth, chin, and lips. This process works by heating the deep layers of the skin and lips to increase the natural development of collagen in these areas. It is a vital step that helps with restoring skin elasticity and producing plumper lips.



The second step is laser peeling with Fotona’s micro-laser peel, a flexible procedure that can be tailored to a patient’s specific concerns. The peeling process encourages skin rejuvenation by addressing pigmentation and texture problems and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and visible pores.



The third step is a famous procedure that significantly benefits aging skin. Here, we obtain a small blood sample from you to process and extract Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), which is then administered into your skin through micro-punctures created using DermaPen. This process promotes new blood flow to begin rapid collagen production and intensify skin regeneration.



The fourth step may vary from one patient to another depending on what areas need to be treated. We extract PRF from your blood, then heat-treat it to significantly increase its working component and transform it into a 100% natural, injectable bio-filler. Since this filler is made from your own PRF, your body will not be exposed to foreign substances and chemicals that will likely cause adverse effects.



Skin growths like moles, veins, and age spots can be bothersome, especially if they are on the face. So, we remove them free of charge at the end of your Bio-CARE treatment session.